Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The stats

True had his 15 mo check up today. I realize now that I am typing this I should have been putting all his prior stats on the blog. Just in case I lose all of those little pieces of yellow paper they give you at the dr office. That way in thirty years I could tell him what he weighed at each checkup (on second thought ... do you think this blog will be here that long?!). Cause you know that's important information. And I don't have the best memory when it comes to these things. Oh well, I guess it's never too late to start, right?

Height: 30.5" (40%tile)
Weight: 21 lbs 15oz (20%tile)
Head: 19.25" (25%tile)

So my boy is perfect in every way (and I am not being biased ... the dr said it too!). Hard to believe he's already over a year old. This time a year ago I was just coming back to the office to work (I had worked at home for some time) and crying inside every day because I had to let the lovely ladies at daycare fawn over him. I still feel the same way ... just a little more used to it now.

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