Monday, January 12, 2009

Joyful, Joyful

So it's been a while since I blogged. Sue me. I took vacation. I have been paying for it at work. Anyway, Christmas was nice. The kids were so excited when Mimi and Papa showed up on Christmas Eve. Mimi and Mallie decorated cookies in preparation for Santa. They were delicious!

Then, it was time to open one gift. My family's tradition is to open one gift on Christmas Eve -- and it's ALWAYS pajamas. They were cute, don't you think?

After the kids went to bed, this is what the house looked like. I was anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival.

Christmas Day was great but I was I was exhausted and had a tough time keeping the house in any type of order. Of course, there is some joy in having bits and pieces of toys all over the house. Except for when you step on them barefooted. Can't remember how many times I've bitten my tongue over the last few weeks. But the kidlets are loving their new loot and were over the moon that Mimi and Papa were there to share it. That's what counts, right?

Oh, and one final thought. I have arrived ... my dad told me that my cornbread stuffing "wasn't bad." Call me Julia Childs please.


Michele said...

Wished I was there to help decorate cookies so Santa could come see me! Oh btw...we might have to have a Dressing cookoff!!
Mine was pretty darn was my wesson oil cake!

Anonymous said...

You can be Julia-- I want to be Paula Deen

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