She lives in the cutest little cottage and has a wonderful cottage garden. I wish the plants around my house looked like hers - lush and blooming.
After we all got there and got some of the excitement out of the way, we had to decide what exactly we were going to do. First, we went out to eat at Cheddars. I think Melody and Robyn would have passed this important step and just snacked at home. But I was STARVING. Did I say that loud enough? I was starving, really. Withering away. So ... off we went. I was in heaven since Cheddars has a Monte Cristo. That really made me think back to high school when we would go to Bennigan's after each and every Friday night football game. I would order a Monte Cristo and a Death by Chocolate. Great memories. Of course, I am still wearing some of those to this day. I wonder how many calories all of that food had in it?!

Hey Melody, I am proud that you remembered the neck technique. I will tell Tracy that you have it down pat!
After that, we headed back to Robyn's house and stepped into her own personal video store. There were so many movies that we had a hard time picking one. Instead of the chick flick, romantic comedy that you would have expected three girls to choose we opted for something a little more serious - The Changeling. Great movie, by the way. We grabbed our brownies and creme puffs and settled in for the movie.
It was 1:30a by the time the movie ended. Melody, the youngest one of our group I might add, was already having trouble with drowsy eyes. Robyn and I were just getting started though. Since Melody was about half out of it Robyn and I made the executive decision to watch Center Stage. Yet another American classic ballet/love story. One of my favs since I know half of the dialogue and all of the songs. Luckily for me Robyn is way into it as well.
Finally, at 3:30a, it was time to go to bed. We roused Melody and made up the pull out couch. Mello went out like a light. I had to lay there for a while and settle down. Unfortunately for me, Robyn's house has like a thousand windows. No exaggeration. All of them very clean ... so that the sun streams through very early in the AM. About 7:45a I finally gave up trying to sleep and called it a day.
Robyn and Melody roused themselves around 8:30a. We looked, as my mom would say, like the last roses of the summer. There is a reason you stop pulling all-nighters when you hit your 30s. I had momentarily forgotten that though.
So it is Monday night and I'm still recovering. I think it's going to take a while.
1 comment:
Yes, I did remember the tilt.. thanks for noticing.
Secondly-- HELLO I was high on benedryl because of Robyn's fifty cats. My eyes were buring and I was full of snot so it was either deal with that or sleep.. or worse watch that horrible movie. :)
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