Friday, May 29, 2009

Steaknite Surprise

It's nice to get out of your normal routine. And that's just what we did this past Wednesday night. Tracy tuned me in to a happenin' event called Steaknite. It's like your own backyard BBQ with steak, an all you can eat sides and dessert buffet and live music. Except you don't have to do the dishes (high five to Tracy on that one). What more could you ask for?

Of course, the kids did not partake in the Steaknite food. They got their own little treat - McDonald's.
The place is south of downtown (and I might add, it's not the best of neighborhoods) but we had a wonderful time. Here are a few pics of the festivities.

I forgot to take a picture of my plate BEFORE I ate it. But trust me when I say it was full of steak, potato, macaroni and green beans. I think you can tell from below how delicious it was. Of course, I wouldn't have even gotten this pic if Tracy didn't remind me.

When we got home about 8:45p that night, my neighbor was anxiously awaiting our return. She told me that she did not mean to be a nosy neighbor, but she knew our schedule and KNEW we should have been home. She was worried that something had happened. Yeah ... I think it's time we start mixing it up a little more!

1 comment:

Frankly Ronda said...

Lots of blog entries of late ... life slowing down?

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