We started the weekend by heading out to Gilmer around 3p on Thursday. All was going well until I was about an hour away from home and realized that I "might" have locked Cinder in one of the bedrooms. The bad news was that I wasn't sure I had done it ... and that no one besides me and Shawn have a key to our house. I crossed my fingers and prayed that I had not done it. But, guess what? I did. We have been busy airing out Mallory's room to rid it of the pee smell. I hope Nature's Miracle is as good as it promises to be. Otherwise, I may be shopping for new bedroom carpet (we need it anyway).
On Friday, we made plans with my sister to take Mallory to see the new Hannah Montana movie. Her first movie! She loved holding the big tub of popcorn in her lap and it was so cute to see it grazing the edge of her chin. The only problem was that she was not heavy enough to keep the chair down and it kept riding up on her. I finally put my purse in the seat with her and that helped some. About halfway through the movie she asked Aunt Chele if we could leave. Then she spent the rest of the time on our laps. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience.

Saturday we got up and was excited to be attending the Gilmer Annual Easter Egg Hunt. A good time was had by all but unfortunately we did not find a "prize" egg. I have several pics of True hunting eggs, but none of Mallie. We had to split forces this year, so Aunt Chele took Mallie to hunt. She did pretty well for herself.
Mimi and True

That afternoon while all the adults and True were napping, I decided it was time for the girls to dye their eggs. No real pics of the event since it was just me and I was really paying attention to keeping the egg dye cups from spilling over and turning the girls colors. But, I did take an after-egg dying picture of one of Mallory's eggs. This is a turtle.

Later that night, we headed over to Aunt Chele's for a family barbeque. Stoney and Michele had just gotten a ping-pong table which kept us busy for quite some time. But you can see that Cale, Mallie and Reagan had better things to do.

We left their house around 9p and went home. True was overtired but was having nothing to do with bed so cousin Jace played with him for a while. I can't figure out who was having a better time.

Then came time for the Easter bunny to visit. I think he went overboard this year.

Then came time for the Easter bunny to visit. I think he went overboard this year.

Sunday was pretty mellow as it was raining cats and dogs. But, we made it home safely around 6p and have closed the books on another family holiday/gathering.
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