Ava, Kendall and Kennedy came over to play Saturday. The date started out with some Happy Meals and chaos at home. Then, we walked down to the park and the girls burned off some energy. After that Raquel and I took turns pulling all three of them in the wagon back up hill to the house . I needed a nap afterward.
We're going to do it again soon.
Great pic!
Hey girlfriend, been thinking a lot of you guys lately. I was sending out good vibes for your mom after reading your last blogs. So glad she is pulling through. I can't tell Merv that Shawn is planing Moab, he'll get all depressed. Actually thinking of girlfriend weekend in central Texas will make me depressed too. Say Hi to those bluebonnets for me.
Sassy is growing in leaps and bounds, she's started her first few steps this week, and is saying her first few words. Cat has been around for a while, but lately it is "hot" - for the oven (grandma told her it was hot, now it is set in stone), she likes to be picked up so she can play with the digital controls - they beep and flash lights. She sits on the floor below it and yells hot hot hot! I have to get it on Video - alas MY diva doesn't perform on que. I think Mallory will make a great supermodel!
Love from Missouri, Hugs Kelly
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