After lunch, they went room to room and trick-or-treated all the teachers. Each kid came home with a brown lunch bag FULL of candy. All of this before it got dark. It only took me about five mins to assess the contents of the bags and lay claim to the "good stuff." LOL ... this is the fun part of being a parent. I *know* Halloween brings lots `o candy. But I didn't make the connection that as the kids get older the candy also grows exponentially. And my will power is down to zilch. I think I was almost physically sick yesterday from all the sugar coursing through my veins. My only hope is that this toxic goodness is gone soon! I didn't get a before picture, but this is what the stash looked like as of a few mins ago after eating almost half of what was received:

See my surly Pom-Pom Girl (in her defense, this was taken at about 7a on the way to school!):

And the man who saved the day - Superman:

We didn't really end up trick-or-treating because Mallory was invited by the neighbors to attend a Fall Festival. We took True to a few of the neighbors just to show off his cuteness. They oohed and ahhed in all the appropriate places. Even better ... we got to take a house tour of the neighbor across the street who had done extensive remodeling. I was too chicken to ask to see the house as it was being done but they must have sensed my need when we knocked on their door and invited us in to show off all their work (and piles of money) they had put into the reno. Beautiful ... but I cannot imagine spending that kind of money right now.
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