M'Dondo -- HE'S TURNING INTO A BOBBY! For those of you who don't know what this means ... well, I sincerely hope you've never had to encounter a Bobby. If you have, you have my sympathies.
See, at our other daycare, there was a little boy named Bobby that loved nothing more than to terrorize all of the other kidlets by biting them. We had several discussions with the director about getting this little boy kicked out (yes ... that's how many times he had bitten) to no avail.
So, the last few weeks we've been reading this:

Except ours isn't in as good of condition as that picture above is. We apparently cannot treat books with the reverence they deserve because coloring and tearing them seem to make my kids happy. Either that or we have had to read it more times than I remember. See what I mean?

Regardless of its appearance, the book is doing its job. I am happy to receive daily reports from the teachers at school that there has been no biting for several days. Good thing True is so easily brainwashed at this age. Let's hope it continues until he's a teenager.
My kids were bit and they were also the biter a couple times.
We took quick action as you are when they becane the dreaded biter! It all worked out.
Oldest Son's best friend is the boy he bit when he was 2!
Caden has started to bite too-- he has been bitten several times so I think he is figuring it out..
Maybe I should borrow the book.
BTW, I havent thought about Bobby in such a long time. Him and his mom were such a mess! Thank goodness we dont have them to deal with anymore
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